2201.2009 is drawing to a close now. Most retail businesses take a year-end inventory to determine what they have sold and what they need to reorder. We too should take inventory of what we have learned and what we should improve. 2009年已接近尾声,很多的零售商店都会进行一次年终盘点,看这一年的销售成绩,要补哪些货。我们也得进行盘点,看我们一年学了些什么,以后要做的改进。一年快结束也可以说:
a) this year is coming to an end,
b)as the year is winding down,
c)the new year is right around the corner,
d)we are going to start a fresh page,
2202.What will happen to the stock markets? Some of the Bulls say the market will continue to go up and some of the Bears say the market will crash and go to even lower lows than 2009. 明年股票市场会怎样?预测牛市的人说,股票会持续上扬,预测熊市的人则说,市场会垮掉,比2009年最低的点还要低。