J: Oh, but that"s the whole point of Brunch. After a long workweek, a nice long Brunch is the perfect end to the weekend! And as a matter of fact the meal is so long and so relaxing that it is a combination of breakfast and lunch. It"s spelled B-R-U-N-C-H.
Y: 你说的到是有道理。既然brunch是把早饭和午饭合并在一起,那么当然时间就应该长点了。不过说起来brunch这个词不好把它翻成中文呢。我看听众朋友喜欢怎么叫它就怎么叫它什么吧。或者干脆就用英文brunch。
J: Hey Yang Chen, remember we talked to Edina, the manager of the restaurant where we had Brunch last time.
Y: 没错,我们来听听Edina给brunch下的定义。
实录1 Edina:Brunch is a very special time in American life. It"s a time where after a very busy workweek a family or friends have time to actually sit down and enjoy their meal.