实录3 Gino: It"s a very interesting look into the Biker Culture and you"ve got people that are what we call "one percenters" that are real hardcore bikers that have the long, scraggly hair and beards and everything and the tattoos all over them. Then you have the doctors and lawyers and everything. There are bikes that run up to $150,000. Lots of women ride, uh ... just all interesting people.
Y: 看来人们对摩托手确实有一些误解,其实他们当中有很多受过良好教育的人。Gino 刚才说的 hardcore bikers指的是那些铁杆分子。你说我可不可以形容他们是爱摩托车如命呢?
J: Right. Gino said "hardcore" and that"s the perfect word to describe, you know, people who are really devoted to something to a very serious degree. "Hardcore" is one word and it"s spelled H-A-R-D "hard," "core" C-O-R-E. And another example of how to use it would be "That"s really hardcore, man," really serious.