Y: 哎呀, 网页只要实用就好了,要那么花哨干什么?
J: A good web site does more than just work. It has to be kind of like a work of art.
Y: Art? 艺术。我觉得电脑是个科学工具,根本没必要弄那些华而不实的东西。
J: Art.
Y: 科学!
J: Art!
Y: 科学!
J: Okay, okay, let"s not argue ! Hey, I have an idea. Let"s talk to our friend Erica. You remember Erica, don"t you?
Y: 没错。我还记得Erica。她自己有一个网页设计公司。
实录1: Erica: Web design is very much an art and a science. It"s both together because the artistic side is pretty obvious. You need to have visual design.
J: See, Erica says you need to have visual design, V-I-S-U-A-L visual D-E-S-I-G-N design, the way things look.