欧洲伟大的地理大发现之后,全球各地的互相联系空前紧密了,众多历史学家通过研究跨区域和跨文明的主题而反映了这个事实。其中最有趣的是:John H.Parry,Europe and a Wider World,1415~1715(New York,1949);John H.Parry,The Age of Reconnaissance:Discovery,Exploration and Settlement,1450~1650(New York,1963);P.M.Ashburn,The Ranks of Death:A Medical History of the Conquest of America(New York,1947);Donald F.Lach,Asia in the Making of Europe,multivolume(Chicago,1965~ );A.Greenfell Price,The Western Invasions of the Pacific and Its Continents:A Study of Moving Frontiers and Changing Landscapes,1513~1958(Oxford,1963);J.H.Elliott,The Old World and the New,1492~1650(New York,1970);Alfred W.Crosby,Jr.,The Columbian Exchange:Biological and Cultural Consequences of1492 (Westport,Conn.,1972);Niels Steensgaard,Carracks,Caravans,and Companies:the Structural Crisis in the European Asian Trade in the Early Seventeenth Century(Lund,Sweden,1973);Carlo M.Cipolla,Guns,Sails and Empires:Technological Innovation and the Early Phases of European Expansion,1400~1700 (New York,1966);Walter D.Wyman and Clifton B.Kroeber,eds.,The Frontier in Perspective(Madison,Wisc.,1957);Robert R.Palmer,The Age of Democratic Revolution:A Political History of Europe and America,1760~1800,2 vols.(Princeton,1959,1964);Hans Kohn,The Age of Nationalism:The First Era of Global History(New York,1962);W.S.and E.S.Woytinsky,World Population and Production:Trends and Outlook(New York,1953);和Barrington Moore,Jr.引起争议的Social Orgins of Dictatorship and Democracy,Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World(Boston,1966)。